Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yum Yum...Cauliflower?

I can honestly say I am not  a lover of this cruciferous vegetable (say that 3 times fast). The first time I made this recipe was about 5 or 6 years ago (I am not a fan of rosemary, so I have never used it).   I thought maybe the 16 cloves will make it taste better.  Something magical happens to cauliflower when you roast it. This is one of my family favorite recipes. I have to use 2 heads of cauliflower otherwise the kids devour it and I don't get any. As I was searching the web I came across this website (look around, lots of fun stuff). She has the same idea just without the garlic.  I never thought to dip it in ketchup.  Even better.
Try them both and let me know  what you think.  Maybe you too will become a cauliflower lover.
Here is my version.
 2 heads of cauliflower washed and cut in to bite sized pieces
16 cloves of garlic (I don't double this, but you could).
1 teaspoon salt, to taste
1/2 teaspoon pepper, to taste
1/4-1/2 cup olive oil (I drizzle until coated)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees
Toss cauliflower, garlic, oil, salt and pepper in large roasting pan.
Put in oven for 30-40 minutes,depending on how brown you want the cauliflower, stirring tossing every 10 minutes, browning all sizes.

I usually like them a little more brown, the kids were begging me to take them out. 

Now for an update on my run.  I ran 9 miles today.  Whew.  It was hot towards the end, but all and all the run went very well. I may have to get up at 5:30 instead of 6:00 because of the heat. I also placed 3 extra water bottles night before along my route so I would not run out. Will have to do that from now on, the water was warm but I was not thirsty. I am feeling good about my training and  I should be prepared for the 1/2 marathon in September. I have also gone the extra crazy mile (no pun intended) and signed myself up for a marathon in November. My first ever. It's FREE,  I can't miss out on a deal like that, right?  The marathon I am running is here.  I really am excited about this. Maybe I will see you there?


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